Tyrd i mewn, mae yma groeso,
aelwyd gynnes dan un to,
yma mae pob un yn cyfrif,
a phawb yn arwr yn ei dro…
fel y rhai a fu o’th flaen di
yn codi llais yn erbyn trefn,
gelli dithau ddangos ochr,
weithiau rhaid cael asgwrn cefn…
cofia daith yr afon Ddyrfdwy,
tarddu’n fychan rhwng y brwyn,
weithiau’n droellog, weithiau’n
ond yn ei dafnau, dawns a swyn,
a’r Tryweryn - yn ei halaw,
y llon a’r lleddf ynghlwm i gyd,
ond ynddi nid oes nodyn chwerw,
dy annog mae i herio’r byd.
a phan fyddi’n cael dy amau
yn gorfod sefyll dros y gwir,
cei o’th gylch gadernid Berwyn,
a doethineb hen ei thir…
A phan ddaw dy dro i adael,
cwyd dy ben, rho wên i’r byd,
a chofia fod yng Ngodre’r Berwyn,
ddrws ar agor i bawb o hyd.
Haf Llewelyn
Our aim is to develop a school that puts children first,
respecting and extending each individual to their full
potential. This in turn will help develop principled,
enterprising and ambitious young people who will
always give their best.
Our aim is to create a happy school where everyone,
children and adults, do their best at all times, are
enthusiastic and care for each other, taking advantage
of every opportunity and experience to learn and to
enrich their lives.
Children who are happy work better because they feel
secure. If they are respected by their parents and
teachers, they show respect in return and are more
eager to please. We also endeavour to ensure that we
are prepared to listen to children, not just to hear them,
and will also be fair at all times. This does not mean
treating every child exactly the same at all times. Every
child must be treated according to his/her needs and
own unique personality. We aim to encourage children
to become responsible members of their own school
and community and to become persons who are
considerate of others and of their environment. We aim
to provide every pupil with the best education possible.
We attempt to respect the ideas of every adult and child
within the school, further developing the practise of
supporting each other in all aspects of school activities.
A close relationship between the home and school is
essential, and we know that we will have your co-
operation to ensure this. If you have any questions or
further enquiries on any matter, you are welcome to
contact the school at any time – the door is always
Bethan Emyr Jones
a’r Tryweryn - yn ei halaw,
y llon a’r lleddf ynghlwm i gyd,
ond ynddi nid oes nodyn chwerw,
dy annog mae i herio’r byd.
a phan fyddi’n cael dy amau
yn gorfod sefyll dros y gwir,
cei o’th gylch gadernid Berwyn,
a doethineb hen ei thir…
A phan ddaw dy dro i adael,
cwyd dy ben, rho wên i’r byd,
a chofia fod yng Ngodre’r Berwyn,
ddrws ar agor i bawb o hyd.
Haf Llewelyn
Tyrd i mewn, mae yma groeso,
aelwyd gynnes dan un to,
yma mae pob un yn cyfrif,
a phawb yn arwr yn ei dro…
fel y rhai a fu o’th flaen di
yn codi llais yn erbyn trefn,
gelli dithau ddangos ochr,
weithiau rhaid cael asgwrn cefn…
cofia daith yr afon Ddyrfdwy,
tarddu’n fychan rhwng y brwyn,
weithiau’n droellog, weithiau’n union
ond yn ei dafnau, dawns a swyn,
“Pan fo brwydrau yn y byd,
Godre’r Berwyn gwyn eu byd”
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